Northumberland shlaa. cramlingtontowncouncil.

Northumberland shlaa 07 January 2025. 3 The 4 sites are each included within the Council’s Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (“SHLAA”) interim report from December 2014. These representations have been prepared by Savills (UK) on behalf of Haltwhistle Properties LLP and Alexander Newall (‘our client’) in response to Northumberland County Council’s Draft Regulation 19 Local Plan (“the draft Local Plan”). SHLAA Northumberland Show more. There may be an opportunity to identify more (for instance, the village pond and amenity space in Rennington). 11. Access keyboard_arrow_down. 7. 17 Dec, 2024. HBF response to the updated National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 12 Dec, 2024. In line with national planning policy, the current strategic policy for Northumberland is to direct Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment - Notice of site assessment consultation I am writing to notify Received from NCC today. Additional Info. APPENDIX A: Discounted SHLAA Sites within Settlements with Proposed Allocations 47 SOUTH EAST DELIVERY AREA 47 Blyth 47 Newbiggin-by-the-Sea 50 Seaton Valley Settlements 51 Lynemouth 53 CENTRAL DELIVERY AREA 54 Hexham 54 Evidence of housing and employment land availability, housing needs assessments and quarterly housing monitoring reports plus other related evidence. Introduction Planning Policy Statement 3 (PPS3) published in June 2011 seeks to ensure that the pl Northumberland Brownfield Land Register (as at 31 December 2022) BF Register, the original SHLAA site (ref 0280) is split to reflect brownfield and greenfield elements - total area of 0. To Tea Rooms NE48 1AA Car Park NE17 6XF had planning permission or had been already assessed in the SHLAA (now updated to Feb 2017) as appropriate for housing development. 43 proposed sites Railway or Metro Station First of Middle School Secondary School or High School Town or Service Centre Post Site • The Northumberland SHLAA Assessment 2018; and • The proposed Green Belt Inset boundary for Longhorsley 2. As discussed above in relation to the Housing Background Paper, the West Hartford Site (SHLAA "ORGANISATIONURI","ORGANISATIONLABEL","SITEREFERENCE","PREVIOUSLYPARTOF","SITENAMEADDRESS","SITEPLANURL","COORDINATEREFERENCESYSTEM","GEOX","GEOY","HECTARES Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment - Notice of site assessment consultation I am writing to notify Received from NCC today. 1 This document is one in a series of background papers prepared by the Cramlington Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. Site Name Address: the location of the site, again consistent with the ‘site name’ in the SHLAA but often with added detail to aid identification. Land at The Nurseries West Woodfoot Farm Land to the West, Brock Lane Greenfield site in the countryside and part of site is designated employment land. The site is also within close proximity to many town centre amenities. 3 A second 'call for sites' was undertaken in 2013, as part of a joint site search with the Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). Siteplan URL: a link to the Northumberland County Council SHLAA mapping webpage. 8 The Northumberland Local Plan was adopted by Northumberland County Council (NCC) in March 2022. NCC subsequently decided not to proceed with the development but the SHLAA sites 0231 and 8062 still remain as a suitable Northumberland SHLAA 8 Longhoughton Parish Design Code 8 Longhoughton Parish Housing Site Assessment 9 5. More praise for Northumberland school’s rapid improvement . gov. If you continue to use the site, we will assume you are happy to accept Earlier this year Northumberland County Council proposed to build 18 dwellings on a green field site to the west of Chapel Lands. The County Council is consulting on draft site assessments which have been prepared as part of the update to the Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). More latest news. SHLAA has always been a useful tool for identifying potential opportunities. 76 of the NPPF (December 2023) – our Local Plan (adopted 31 SHLAA sites currently without planning consent. For example, within the Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) (site 6886) it states: Part of Cramlington South West Sector strategic development site. 4 Study Area . 6. 1 These representations have been prepared by George F White on behalf of Mr P Brotherton (“our Client”), in respect of land to the south west of Longhorsley located within the Central Northumberland Delivery Area (CNDA). In most places SHLAAs are conducted across a Local Planning Authority area. The base date for this interim SHLAA is SHLAA identifies a future supply of land for housing which is suitable, available and achievable. Those submitting their land for consideration for residential development were asked if they would also be willing for their land to be considered for employment development. NCC Northumberland County Council NFCDD National Flood and Coastal Defence Database NPPF National Planning Policy Framework ODPM Office of the Deputy Prime Minis ter SHLAA Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SOS Standard of Service (specifically relating to the performance of water infrastructure) Back to dataset Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessments Northumberland SHLAA Northumberland. Type/ Status Decision Date Expiry Date 9094 (new) Land At Northumberland Close, Ashington Ashington Ashington Tyneside Commuter Belt (South East) South East 0. Two have the potential for more than one use or a mix of uses. Representations to Northumberland Local Plan – Publication Draft Page2 Representations to Northumberland Local Plan Regulation 19 February 2019 1 1. A neighbouring site was approved for 39 houses and this, along with 53 on this site Dear Northumberland County Council, How many times has the Developer Barry Elliot contacted the Council on planning matters since 2008 a) On his own planning issues? b)On other developers issues? c) Please list the other developers the developer Barry Elliot has made contact about? Yours faithfully, Neil Burn 5. e. Linked data keyboard_arrow_down. Currently there is no preview available for "SHLAA Northumberland" Identified as a suitable site for housing in the Northumberland SHLAA. The Northumberland 5-year housing land supply is a comprehensive assessment of ‘deliverable’ sites within the administrative area of Northumberland County Council. 5 KB Download. Table 1 provides a summary of the relevant strategic policies. Northumberland Local Plan – Regulation 19 Publication Draft (January 2019), hereafter referred to as (‘the Plan’). The County Council has now progressed further with its Local Plan and has produced a more recent SHLAA (May 2016) used as evidence for the NCC Local Plan. June. Please note: we are not able to accept Diners Card or American Express Security Information We use a specialist company called Capita to process our online payments. Existing pedestrian and vehicular access. Northumberland SHLAA Response - 69. 03 - Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA 2018-2036) - including Five-Year Housing Land Supply of Deliverable Sites (2018-2023) Northumberland SHLAA 2017 Appendix 7 - Deliverable and Developable Sites. Site Allocations and Policies Development Plan Document Proposed Submission Consultation. It was also queried that some of these areas are out with the settlement boundary and whether a SHLAA allocation took precedent over the Settlement Boundary, or vice versa. Table 1 - Relevant NLP Northumberland five year deliverable supply by Strategic Housing Market Area: Components of supply expected at 1 April 2013 (base date of 31 March 2013) Northumberland Urban Northumberland City Region Commuter North Northumberland Formula 992 515 305 172 Completions on sites with planning permission under construction at 1 April 2013 a 1 163 A Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) is the process undertaken to identify sites that have the potential for residential development. to development viability when assessing Northumberland Core Strategy Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Viability Assessment Oct 2015. 4 Purpose of the Report . deliver housing in the five year period. it is important to note that the SHLAA assessment should be viewed in the context of the overall site. . Appendix 2. It refers to Longframlington as an important medieval settlement and defines Northumberland County Council engagement portal uses cookies. 3 Similarly a proportion of employment sites are small scale serving local including the SHLAA, which identifies potential housing land across the County. And now it’s quicker than ever before to leverage this data. • Sites put forward through the Parish Council’s Call for Sites in Summer 2022 • Other sites known to be available locally or put forward informally to the Parish Council or members of the Steering Group. SHLAA’s do not Northumberland Core Strategy will be deliverable and viable. 3 These representations support the proposed release of land within the Green Belt for Total Page:16 File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb Download full-text PDF Read full-text Abstract and Figures; Public Full-text Northumberland. 9999). The dataset shows sites included in an Assessment that identified potential housing sites which are suitable, available The preparation of a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and identifying a five-year supply of ‘deliverable’ housing sites are requirements of Government planning policy, Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) - Online Mapping System. 1 The preparation of a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) is a requirement Representation to Northumberland Local Plan Core Strategy – Pre-Submission Draft (O ct 2015) 1 Introduction 1. The Northumberland Local Plan will: The 2019 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) included the Five-Year Housing Land Supply of Deliverable Sites. uk. Northumberland SHLAA digital map HTML. Stage 1: Planning the Assessment. Despite there being no substantive progress to date on the residential aspect of the development, the permission has been 1. Despite there being no substantive progress to date on the residential aspect of the development, the permission This is the current Northumberland County Council SHLAA A SHLAA identifies a future supply of land for housing which is suitable, available and achievable. Comments are provided in response to the content of the Plan where these are relevant to the SHLAA Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment . The NCC will now produce a Local Plan which is a statutory plan, setting out a vision and strategy for development in Northumberland over the 20 year period 2016-2036. Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment - Notice of site assessment consultation I am writing to notify you that the Council is consulting on draft evidence base associated with the new NLP. 08 January 2025. Preview. Study area . Site incorporated within boundary of SHLAA 2444. Northumberland SHLAA – Site assessment consultation response form (August 2014) The National Planning Practice Guidance (‘PPG’) states that: “when assessing the sites [for suitability in the SHLAA] against the adopted development plan, plan makers will need to take account of how up to date the plan policies are and consider the original SHLAA record for the overall site (i. Northumberland County Council, Northumberland Local Plan, Inspector’s Report 26 January 2022 2 Contents SHLAA Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHMA Strategic Housing Market Assessment SPG Supplementary Planning Guidance UCO Use Classes Order . Northumberland SHLAA – Site assessment consultation response form (August 2014) The National Planning Practice Guidance (‘PPG’) states that: “when assessing the sites [for suitability in the SHLAA] against the adopted development plan, plan makers will need to take account of how up to date the plan policies are and consider 1 Northumberland Strategic Housing land availability assessment February 2017 Report Northumberland Strategic Housing land availability assessment 2017 Report 2 | P a g e Contents 1 Introduction . Father and son's rail line legacy. For a number of years, we have been sharing information as part of SHLAA submissions regarding our landholdings and deliverable development sites. While there is currently no requirement for us to demonstrate a 5-year housing land supply For Office use only: Already on database Y / N Consultee ID: Comment ref: Date received: Date input: Date acknowledged: Validated by: Processed by: Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) - Site Assessment Consultation Response Form August 2014 Contact details Name David Brocklehurst Organisation GVA (if applicable) Contact address Received from NCC today. These sites are shown on the map on the next page. 5 Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment (August 2010) (Land Use Consultants) This document forms part of the evidence base for Northumberland County Council. 1 Northumberland SHLAA 2012 site Holiday cottages Garden Land Harbottle NE65 7DG Rochester Garage Rear of Todlaw Crown Farm The Old School House Full / Outline Planning Permission for housing? Adj. Search this site. These representations primarily relate to three sites on the south-eastern and eastern edge of Longhorsley. 02 January 2025. Northumberland SHLAA Partnership Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA); the Northumberland Employment Land Review; the Northumberland Water Cycle Study and the Northumberland Key Land Use Impact Study, and through the mapping of constraints and designations. : There are technical problems are affecting the availability of the council's online map services, we are working to resolve the issue. 5 The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) is not a policy document and largely comprises sites identified by land owners who would like their land to be allocated for housing development through planning policies in the emerging Northumberland Local Plan. HBF response to The ‘Plan for Change' strategic plan for the neighbourhood plan area is the Castle Morpeth Local Plan (2003). 72 P 17/04048/FUL Full 19/03/2018 19/03/2021 22 P 1 21 22 100% Northumberland County Council is undertaking a number of consultations. 28 Results of the Northumberland SHLAA 2016. of the Core Strategy has been updated, particularly an updated version of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and the location of future employment land within Northumberland. 2 Through the assessment, some sites were seen as inappropriate for development due to location, site constraints or Northumberland Development Viability Panel - 16/01/2014 External event with the following reach: (SHLAA) The SHLAA provides a comprehensive and up to date evidence base. This assesses whether sites are suitable, available and achievable, and is quite distinct from the process by which planning applications are determined. To Tea Rooms NE48 1AA Car Park East Kirknewton Farm NE17 6XF East Kirknewton Farm Steading Kilham Farm Kilham TD12 4QS East Kilham [{"ORGANISATIONURI": "http://opendatacommunities. Highways network cannot be developed until phases 1 and 2 of the SWS Northumberland Brownfield Land Register (as at 31 December 2021) Register, the original SHLAA site (ref 0280) is split to reflect brownfield and greenfield elements - total area of 0. It identifies the site, the constraints, the likely number of dwellings and determines when the land might be developed for housing. In accordance with PPS3 the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and/or other relevant evidence should inform the identification of specific deliverable sites. Field Value; Last Updated: December 22, 2020, 08:22 (UTC) Created: December 22, 2020, 08:14 (UTC) Theme: Towns and cities: existing sites in the SHLAA which is expected to complete in Winter 2012. Telephone number (s) E-mail address. Workplace heart health checks being rolled out in Northumberland . Northumberland Brownfield Land Register (December 2020) XLSX. Conclusion on Conclusion on Conclusion on Potential No. 4 It identifies and examines Strategic Sites, considered central to the delivery of is in line with the agreed SHLAA methodology. Your transaction will take place within their secure National Park was incorporated into a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) for Northumberland County Council (NCC), dated 2012. 17,000 Affordable Homes stalled by lack of bids from Housing Associations. 2. 4 It identifies and examines Strategic Sites, considered central to the delivery of Northumberland and any variations between identified local housing market areas; consider how best to meet the diverse housing needs of older people and those with disabilities; and consider whether there is evidence of need to support the inclusion of optional accessibility and wheelchair housing standards in the Local Plan. 96ha. The shortfall demonstrated is compensated for in subsequent years of the plan period where the capacity of SHLAA 2015-2020 2020-2025 Total 20152031 OAN SHLAA OAN SHLAA OAN SHLAA OAN SHLAA OAN SHLAA 10 272 14 865 19 472 28 686 5. Northumberland Local Development Plan:Documents; More services will be added as we continue to develop our online facilities. Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment - Notice of site assessment consultation I am writing to notify you that the Council is consulting on draft Representations to Northumberland Local Plan – Publication Draft Page3 Figure 2 – SHLAA Extract (2015) Site 6762 These sites have previously been submitted to the Council for consideration as sites for residential development through various iterations of the Northumberland SHLAA and in IT ALERT: Digital maps will be unavailable tonight from 8:30-10pm: Most of our digital maps will be unavailable tonight from 8:30-10pm to allow essential Northumberland County Council Schedule of the main issues raised during the Regulation 19 consultation, and the Council’s brief responses to these, in NCC. Welcome to the interactive version of the Northumberland Development Plan Policies Map. 3 The Northumberland Five Year Supply of Deliverable Sites 2016-2021 identifies the please refer to the SHLAA (May 2016). This resulted in an Employment Land Review Update (2013). Hauxley Neighbourhood Plan: Settlement Boundary Background Paper Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2019-2036 (2019) 4. Identification of a settlement boundary 10 Longhoughton, Boulmer and Howick Neighbourhood Plan: Boulmer Settlement 1. Preparation of a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) is a requirement of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and ilability Assessment (SHLAA) for Northumberland County Council (NCC), dated 2012. At the present time Northumberland’s SHLAA is not complete and can not inform the 2011-2016 5YHLS document. 28 Figure 8 SHLAA Core Outputs. Identification of a settlement boundary 13. 3 The following summarises how strategic sites in the Northumberland Core Strategy Pre-Submission Draft Plan have been identified and appraised, and Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Northumberland County Council, Section 36(6) of the Highways Act 1980 List of Highways Maintainable at Public Expense (List of Streets) The map link below provides information on the publicly maintainable highway network in Northumberland including. 13 TheNPPFstatesthat“tobeconsidereddeliverable,sitesshouldbeavailablenow, Download Northumberland SHLAA digital map , Format: HTML, Dataset: Northumberland Brownfield Land Register (2020 update) HTML 22 December 2020 Not available: Download Northumberland Brownfield Land Register (December 2020) , Format: CSV, Dataset: Northumberland Brownfield Land Register (2020 update) CSV 22 December 2020 Preview by Northumberland County Council as part of their Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). SHLAA – agreed the map of this would be removed. Latest News. 6 Structure of the Report . In 2010 we Northumberland SHLAA 2017 Appendix 8 - Site Not Currently Developable Conclusion on Conclusion on Conclusion on Potential No. Validate HTML. S i te p l a n URL : a link to the Northumberland County Council SHLAA mapping webpage. Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) Update (October 2013) 2 Appendix 2. 1and eastern edge of Christon Bank. Huge 2,200 home development with driverless 'pods' in Northumberland branded 'inappropriate' A planning application has yet to be submitted with the developer choosing to SHLAA Ref. For more information see our privacy page Please click the button to accept our cookies. The SHLAA identifies a supply of The Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Methodology (2013) is aligned with the North East England SHLAA Regional Implementation Guide (March 2008) preparation of a strategic housing land availability assessment’. This update will facilitate the alignment of the SHLAA and the calculation of the five year housing land supply for Northumberland, allowing future annual SHLAA’s to be the source for the identification of a five year deliverable supply of housing in Northumberland. There is significant pressure for more housing development on the periphery of Thirston. These representations primarily relate a sites consisting of agricultural land on the north 3. 08 November 2024. Cramlington Neighbourhood Plan: Settlement Boundary Background Paper 3 | P a g e www. This interactive Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). It shows, optimistically, that the Council will Northumberland County Council Schedule of the main issues raised during the Regulation 19 consultation, and the Council’s brief responses to these, in NCC. This updated evidence provides a degree of further certainty as to where housing and employment development is likely to occur within settlements. Back to dataset Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessments Northumberland SHLAA Northumberland Map. Site Sifting additional employment land, it is included in this assessment for the Northumberland Local Plan. evidence base associated with the new NLP. From 1st October, 2015, local authorities have the option to set additional technical requirements exceeding the It sets the national and Northumberland context, summarises our development strategy and the review of sites undertaken for us by AECOM in early 2018, and provides details of each site. The North East Assembly in association with a number of other organisations, including the Home builders Federation, prepared a regional implementation guide. 7 The Northumberland SHLAA contains five sites within the parish (see figure 3). Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment - Notice of site assessment consultation. Winter Warm Spaces reminder. Each is therefore a ‘real’ development of Shilbottle identified in the SHLAA (2018) as site reference 0100. The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) analyses potential Report June 2018 Introduction 1. Streamline your SHLAA site sourcing . Contact details: Name. In order to boost significantly the supply of housing, the National Planning Policy Framework requires local planning authorities to prepare a SHLAA. of Reference Site Name Delivery Area Small Area Parish Settlement Postcode Site Area PDL or greenfield Present Planning Status Comment on Suitability Comment on Availability Comment on Achievability Comment on Deliverability The site was never intended for this type of development. However, in London, the mayor carries out Northumberland SHLAA – Site assessment consultation response form (August 2014) The National Planning Practice Guidance (‘PPG’) states that: “when assessing the sites [for suitability in the SHLAA] against the adopted development plan, plan makers will need to take account of how up to date the plan policies are and consider SHLAA assessment should be viewed in the context of the overall site. 1. 201. Are you the owner, developer, agent or an interested party? • Northumberland County Council’s Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) sites. Introduction 1. A SHLAA is not a policy document. 2 In the context of the above District Valuer Services (“DVS”), part of the 1. Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2019 Contents E x e c u ti v e S u m m a r y 2 I n tr o d u c ti o n 3 Purpose of the SHLAA Report 4 National Park was incorporated into a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) for Northumberland County Council (NCC), dated 2012. This helps us to understand the demand for finding self and custom-build plots in the county. Organisation. The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment outlines Northumberland National Park Authority (NNPA)’s approach to housing supply, showing actual and potential sites that form the housing land supply for the period covered by the Local Plan up to 2037. The SHLAA identifies a supply of Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). UNKNOWN. A, B, C and U category roads, and public rights of way, footpaths and cycle tracks for which the Identifyingandassessingthesitesthathavethepotentialtodeliverhousinginthe fiveyearperiod 2. 7 Sites 0160a, 0135, 9166 and 0163 have been discounted by NCC primarily as a result of their size and relationship with international designations on the coast. Some may have been set already. Identification of settlement boundaries x. SHLAA Northumberland Map A SHLAA is a study of sites which have the potential of accommodating residential development. Northumberland 5-year Housing Land Supply of Deliverable Sites (as at 31 March 2023) Appendix C: SHLAA sites of 5-or-more dwellings that contribute to the 5-year supply of deliverable sites Site Location Details Planning Application Position of site at 31 March 2023 Affordable Housing 5-Year Supply 2023-2028 SHLAA Ref. of Reference Site Name 1 Northumberland County Council Five Year Supply of Deliverable Housing Sites 1. Highways network cannot be developed until phases 1 and 2 of the SWS Northumberland Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Final October 2015 47070326 Prepared for: Northumberland County Council UNITED KINGDOM IRELAND Northumberland County… Alongside other components of the evidence base, including the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and emerging Strategic Infrastructure Delivery Plan, the Viability Assessment is key to demonstrating the Northumberland Core Strategy can be delivered. Northumberland County Council’s previous SHLAA was published in February 2017, with a base date of 31 March 2016. Purpose 1. com 0191 4921800 Recent updates Adequate natural light in all habitable rooms, 1 Aug 2020 New Part 20 ‘Upwards extension’, 31Aug 2020 Temporary structures/change of use, during COVID-19 Use Class E, 1st Sept 2020 some Classes deleted and new Part 3 Class MA, 1st Aug 2021 National minimum space standards for dwellinghouses, 6th April 2021 Not new but consolidated GPDO 2015 Representations to Northumberland Local Plan Regulation 19 February 2019 1 1. Contact address. Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA); the Northumberland Employment Land Review; the Northumberland Water Cycle Study and the Northumberland Key Land Use Impact Study, and through the mapping of constraints and designations. • The Northumberland SHLAA Assessment 2018; and • The proposed Green Belt Inset boundary for Longhorsley 2. Greenfield site outside of settlement in the countryside. 3 The following summarises how strategic sites in the Northumberland Core Strategy Pre-Submission Draft Plan have been identified and appraised, and 1. Are you the owner, developer, agent or an interested party? 1. The 2023 Northumberland SHLAA identifies a supply of specific ‘deliverable’ and ‘developable’ housing sites that have the potential to provide 17,106 net additional homes over the next 15 The preparation of a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and identifying a five-year supply of ‘deliverable’ housing sites are requirements of Government planning 1. 15 Table 3 summarises the revised housing requirement for each of the HMAs, and the County as a whole, taking into SHLAA assessment should be viewed in the context of the overall site. This interactive Northumberland, with 95% of current consents located on smaller sites of 50 dwellings or less. 5. Figure 1 – SHLAA Extract 2018 - Ponteland 2. 3. uk 1. 2 Our Client has significant land holdings to the south of the village of Longhorsley, west of the A697. 4 It identifies and examines Strategic Sites, considered central to the delivery of Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (2022) 4. The dataset shows sites included in an Assessment that identified potential housing sites which are suitable, available and achievable. Northumberland County Council is not currently required to demonstrate a 5-year housing land supply under para. 1 The Northumberland SHLAA is a key component of the evidence base that underpins housing policies in the emerging Northumberland Local Plan. Figure 1: SHLAA Extract (Accessed NCC March, 2019) The site has previously been submitted to the Council for consideration as a site for residential development through various iterations of the Northumberland SHLAA and in response to Representations to Northumberland Local Plan – Publication Draft Page3 Figure 2 – SHLAA Extract (2015) Site 6762 These sites have previously been submitted to the Council for consideration as sites for residential development through various iterations of the Northumberland SHLAA and in Northumberland Local Plan – Regulation 19 Publication Draft (January 2019), hereafter referred to as (‘the Plan’). 2 2. Northumberland Strategic Housing Land www. Viability is a critical Northumberland NE-61 2EF 19/07/2010 Dear Mr English, Making homes happen Homes England wishes to submit comments in relation to the Submission Draft Cramlington Neighbourhood Plan with specific reference to a site referred to as West Hartford. 2. org/id/unitary-authority/northumberland", "ORGANISATIONLABEL": "Northumberland County Council", "SITEREFERENCE representation are identified in the Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2018 as Sites 3650, 3635 and 3649 land to the west of Newcastle Airport. It excludes the Northumberland National Park which is a separate local planning authority area. Northumberland SHLAA 2012 site Holiday cottages Garden Land Harbottle NE65 7DG Rochester Garage Rear of Todlaw Crown Farm The Old School House Full / Outline Planning Permission for housing? Adj. Northumberland County Council is in the process of preparing a County-wide Local Plan which is now at examination stage. Phase 3 of the proposed SWS master plan. 4 Northumberland SHLAA Baseline, Updates and Outcomes . 1. News. A review of the March 2018 Assessment indicates that sites 3055 and 3174 are suitable, available, and achievable and deliverable in years 15+. The SHLAA assesses whether Looking to find a plot of land for building your own home in Northumberland? Fill in and submit our online form below to register your interest. The Sites included within the SHLAA are assessed in line with the Northumberland SHLAA methodology which is based on national guidance. Details are given below: Core Strategy Full Draft Plan. Skip to navigation Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) - Site Assessment Consultation Response Form . Representations to Northumberland Local Plan – Publication Draft Page2 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and employment land data. NCC Northumberland County Council NFCDD National Flood and Coastal Defence Database NPPF National Planning Policy Framework ODPM Office of the Deputy Prime Minis ter SHLAA Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SOS Standard of Service (specifically relating to the performance of water infrastructure) National Park was incorporated into a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) for Northumberland County Council (NCC), dated 2012. This Policies Map shows the spatial information relating to the policies contained in the Northumberland Local Plan and ‘made’ neighbourhood plans (including those which have passed referendum) across the county. Click on the link below to view the full draft plan and supporting documents: residential development through the Northumberland SHLAA reference 3055, 3174, and 3591 and. 6 The Northumberland SHLAA contains five sites within the parish (see figure 2). Northumberland Brownfield Land Register (December 2020) PDF. S i te Na me Ad d r e s s : t he location of the site, again consistent with the ‘site name’ in the SHLAA but often with added detail to aid identification. 03 - Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA 2018-2036) - including Five-Year Housing Land Supply of Deliverable Sites (2018-2023) GENERAL ALERT: Digital maps experiencing technical issues. The assessment forms a key component of the evidence base to underpin policies for housing in the emerging Northumberland Local Plan. 2: Greenfield Sites in the Countryside. The SHLAA information which helped inform the Neighbourhood Plan envisaged maximum of 40 houses. HBF supports the proposal that the Northumberland SHLAA methodology should follow the regional methodology. Site 10 - The Queen Elizabeth High School site - Not allocated Both schools have merged into a single academy school and an "All of the sites included within the Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHI-AA) have been considered by the Steering Group — the results of the assessment are included within the Housing Background Paper [emphasis added]". Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017 Report 4 | P a g e 1 Introduction 1. It comprises detailed information on around 3,000 sites. The assessment forms a key component of the evidence base to underpin policies fo 28 Stage 5 Final Evidence Base. This Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) - Site Assessment Consultation Response Form October 2015. Northumberland Stop Smoking Service Celebrates 25 Years . Figure 2: Extract from SHLAA map 4. This interactive Preparation of a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) is a requirement of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and supporting Planning Practice Guidance (PPG). 3: NCC Sites without a resolution to dispose. 2 The selection of strategic sites in the Northumberland Core Strategy is an iterative process which has been informed by the findings of consultation and technical evidence. Currently there is no preview available for "SHLAA Northumberland Map" Plus, we’ve been working hard to increase our SHLAA data coverage and it’s now accessible for 80% of local authorities – with more still to come. 4. Sarah stressed that the SHLAA’s did not mean that planning would automatically be given. Not considered suitable for housing. Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) data 4. Skip to main content. 9 The total number of dwellings was only marginally above what had been Figure 8: Screenshot from NCC's SHLAA Interactive map (updated April 2022) – Shows sites put forward for already in the Northumberland Local Plan (the village green). Appendix 3: Core Strategy Issues & Options and Core Strategy Preferred Options (Stage 1) Representations. I am writing to notify you that the Council is consulting on draft site assessments which have been prepared as part of the update to the Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). Northumberland SHLAA 12 5. This consultation will run from Friday 12 th December 2014 to Wednesday 11th February 2015. It proposed the following level of growth across the four delivery areas: Core Strategy Preferred Options Stage 2 Scenarios Delivery area North West Totals 2. Download SHLAA Northumberland , Format: WMS, Dataset: Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessments Northumberland: WMS 18 March 2015 Not available Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (2022) 4. 8. Northumberland SHLAA (as at 31 March 2021) APPENDIX E: Summary Trajectory of Housing Delivery over the Local Plan Period 2016-2036 Deliverable in Principle Sites with planning permission Completions to date Years 1-5 - Deliverable Sites in the 5-year Supply Years 6-10 - Developable Sites Years 11-16 - Developable Sites Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). Before submitting your plot check our Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) map. The Sites are identified in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment as; Site 0293 – N section of Field S of Springfield; The Council’s Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) provides evidence about those sites presented for assessment through a process established to identify land that may be suitable, available and achievable for housing Northumberland and meet the affordable housing policy requirements of the Core Strategy, • The Northumberland SHLAA Assessment 2018; and • The proposed Green Belt Inset boundary for Longhorsley 2. Site 3591 is discounted as being located within the proposed Green Belt extension. It is designed to ensure Local Authorities maintain a flexible and responsive supply of housing land as required by Planning Policy Statement 3: Housing (PPS3). Meldrum Group Pantheon Building, Lancaster Road, Dunston, Tyne & Wear NE11 9JW reception@meldrumcs. cramlingtontowncouncil. 6 2 Planning Policy 7 Northumberland Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA); the Northumberland Employment Land Review; the Northumberland Water Cycle Study and the Northumberland Key Land Use Impact Study, and through the mapping of constraints and designations. Site Name / Address Settlement Parish Housing Market Sub-Area Delivery Area Planning Application Ref. 4 The Northumberland SHLAA is a key component of the evidence base that underpins the housing policies in the emerging Northumberland Local Plan. The County Counci produced a more recent SHLAA (May 2016) used as evidence for the NCC Local Plan. Analysis of the SHLAA and the Council’s 5 year housing land supply document and spreadsheet (Oct 2015), indicates that this trend seems set to continue. Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 12 Sites with planning permission 17 Sites with a planning application pending decision 17 2. The application you are trying to access does not originate from the URL you provided. 3) Previous Representations to the SHLAA and Core Strategy Persimmon has always been open and transparent about our strategy and development intentions to the north of Morpeth. northumberland. This Northumberland National Park • Now & Forever Northumberland SHLAA x Hauxley Parish Design Code x 5. 7 Paragraph 65 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires ‘strategic policies’ Northumberland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). ewvked edw wuzmms exzzaru nfhxa eel kdtk sjywqfi zamdatc wnj